everyone has a story to tell..yes..said joe strummer...
cam head line blog ni..
so..law korng bace blog ni ke..
blog org laen kew..
korng xpyah la complain byk sgt..
aku ade bce buku..
ayat die lbih kurng cam " byak kerosakan dan kemusnahan yang berlaku kat dunia ni..tp ape yg kaw tahu complain pasal aku..??!!"
yes thts the point..
yela..tu kisah seseorng kan..
xkisahlah cite die best ke tak ke...
even kkdang poyo cam aku..haha..
even korng benci die mcmne pon..
yes..hidup memng byk bende yg kkdng lagi byk xbest dri best kan..
law pkir2 tu la hidup..
ape org pnggil..asam dan garam..yeah...
hari...ye hari..hari ni akan jadi hari semalam..dan hari esok akan jadi hari ni..
weird?yes..itu kitaran..
macam hidup..kejap kat atas..kejap kat bwah..
papepon life mesti diterukan kan..
grr...shes leaving..
no words..no saying "bye"
no no n no..
great rite to feel it?
aku seorng yg hebat sebab dpt rase cmtu..yeah!
haha..tp cmne pon..life its life..
byk bnde yg ade sekeliling yg lbih ptut kite hargai..
cam for sure..tuhan..ALLAH..parents..fmly n kekawan..
woody allen said "life is full of misery, loneliness and suffering..
wtf..for sure die mmg xpernah bersyukur ngn ape yg die dpt kan..
aku ade bace terbace satu ayat..
u must kiss a lot of frogs before u find youre prince..
wahai gegadis..kalaw korng snggp mcmtu..
for sure kaw cm golongon diatas..tak bersyukur kan..
muhasabah babe..kite tak perfect pon tok dpat yg bettr kan..
terime seadanya..try to keep it ok..
sebab aku tahu..
love is short..forgetting is long..
ceh..cam pakar je aku ni kan..
apepon..juz face it..
the road is life..
choice the simpang is important..
even make a simple mistke..
its hard to take it back..
susah nak patah balik..
i cant disappear to avoid a most thing kan..
even i know..sadness is a wall between two garden full of flower..
cube korng bygkan..
garden tu penuh ngn bunge warne warni cam cite fary tales tu..
ade wall..ape korng rase..
finally..aku xtaw ape lagi nk merepek..
sebb kaw wat aku rase cm lagu yg ade kat blog aku ni..
sweet je kan...
n then ttbe kaw xdew..
chillaaaaaahhh.... :)
chillah apip ! hoho .
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