when all the thigs getng worse..
nobdy beside..
nobody in left..
nobody in right..
nobody infrnt..
nobody indown..
nobody upward..
nobody inward..
nobody outside..
nobody inside..
nobody wanna give some hold..
nobody wanna to hold..
nobody in heart..
nobody inside sumone heart..
when evrthg silent..
and keep silent..
evrthng feel not well..
tears be a bff..
when see evthng and doenst feel atrctd anymore..
when see my gurl lisa surihani flirt with othr..
n dint feel any feelng..
beside has a min..but the answer is still quite..
its means..this time to change evthng..
think and keep thinkng..
bcoz ALLAH always there for me..for we..for our..
apip da menggila . haha . berangan la ng lisa tu :p
ReplyDeletehhaha..its cool kn..lalala