*maaf pic ini nmpk aneh n sengal
apip =
just because I am quiet,
does’nt mean I have nothing to say.
I judge people TOO EASILY by my first impression.
I unpredictable and spontaneous.
I trying to be forgiving.
I enjoy try to being unique.
I ambitious and determined,
but I can get lazy and unmotivated at times.
I’m a sucker for compliments.
I’d rather look immature and have fun than care
whatever people think.
Sometimes,I really confident
and other times I feel really insecure.
I’m creative and imaginative.
I’m curious about everything.
Friends mean everything to me,
but sometimes i thnk always
love to sit ALONE sumtimes.
I envy people who can fit
I so easily without even trying.
I try to be simphatic and supportive,
even sometimes I fake it to make you feel good.
I opinionated and stubborn,
but I’m loyal,sincere and caring,
you can trust me with your secrets,
when its something that I know will hurt you.
I always try to see the best in you,
even if you annoy me.
I hate it when people make me feel
guilty to get their way.
I always be here to listen to your problems.
I stick up for you no matter what happen.
now,im really miss someone.
i thnk to much..huh..
also hate someone that their heart like KACA RM2.00 dude..
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