Friday, September 3, 2010

in a relation...

xske we cmni...
if we are deal want to spnt time tghr...
n u said mmbe u nk join ade owg laen nk join ke..
pless saye xske begini...
espcly fmly
cyes saye mmg lemah we..
if u need ur time with them...
yarh..juz go..dont take me into tht ctuation...
im undrstnd ok, juz go if u cant...
plesss ok....
not in mood

btw,aku tgah tengok one of my fvret rncngan yew..
"giulana n bill"
bpak ah..wlawpon da agak lame aku xtgk..
cite ni berulang jew...
bile nta nk yg baru...
sengal weyh...adeh..
btol xdew mood niew

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